The speaker talks about their experience of feeling a mix of joy and sorrow at all times and how it's essential to express gratitude and feelings of love to those around us despite the fear of falling into a deep well of emotions. They also discuss a minor correlation between being melancholic and having anxiety and depression.
Troubled adolescents experiencing problematic sexual attractions need a safe space to come forward and get help to prevent future unwanted behavior such as that of Jeffrey Dahmer.
The speaker suggests embracing silly activities, like counting backwards from 100 or coming up with a ridiculous scenario, as a way to quiet the mind and relax. This technique helps squeeze out the many voices that may be overwhelming our thoughts.
This podcast episode explores the issues surrounding the troubled teen industry and institutionalization, questioning the justification for incarcerating kids for certain behaviors and advocating for more reasonable and compassionate care for teenagers.
The conversation jumps from discussing how the pandemic has led to a rise in mental health issues to the effects of dressing well.
In this conversation, the hosts discuss the importance of recognizing red flags in someone's behavior and how it can ultimately help them. They also touch on how having multiple voices can make a big difference in these situations.
The speaker discusses the difficulties of coping after traumatic experiences and the impact it has on mental health.
The hosts discuss their aversion to people who talk too much, coining the term "yak mouth". They joke about it but also acknowledge how it can be dangerous for one's mental health.
The speaker gives advice about how to compliment someone and plan things out. He also talks about Medicaid and resources for mental illness.
The speaker discusses the importance of being a witness rather than a judge and the understanding how to live with panic and anxiety.
A discussion on how to process overwhelming information and the struggles of trying to be responsible with money during the current climate.
Brian discusses how he hated his personality in the evenings which he perceived as a bad spot caused by his chronic depression, and how people can identify their own version of bad personalities that affect their life.
A person shares how an unknown person's death by suicide inspired them to find purpose and that medication helped them to manage their mental health and libido.
Talkspace is celebrating Mental Health Awareness Month by offering $100 off your first month when you match with a licensed therapist today at Take a step forward to a better life with Talkspace.
The speaker shares their initial skepticism towards mental health in relation to crime while also acknowledging their personal responsibility for committing a crime. They use an analogy to explain how mental illness may not always be detected due to other overwhelming factors.
The speaker discusses her experiences with depression and her desire for accidental pregnancy due to the transformative power of love.
The speaker suggests that improving patient awareness around their mental health problems can be a powerful way to help patients. He argues that by using machine learning, we can help anticipate impulsive episodes and provide better mental health monitoring.
In this podcast episode, the host discusses why people claim mental disorders as their personality traits, citing depression as an example. The host explains that those who struggle with mental disorders are expected to perform and function despite how they feel, which can make normal life seem more difficult for them.
Gene site is a genetic test that analyzes DNA variations to determine how someone may respond to various mental health medications, helping to reduce medication trial and error.
We can combat the negative voice in our head by creating a script to remind ourselves of our goals and values, and practicing it regularly. This helps us overcome conditioning and patterns that cause us to be lazy and complacent.
The hosts of the podcast discuss the benefits of having each other to talk to during overwhelming and anxious times as well as the joy of feeling like they are just chatting with friends through their podcast.
In this podcast, experts discuss the significant role physical activity plays in promoting good mental health and explore ways to incorporate exercise into daily routines for a happier and healthier life.
The speaker finds it difficult to fully endorse advice that encourages people to avoid feeling sad or down because it could hinder actual self-improvement, and questions the role of historical literacy in accepting this advice.
Dr. McCain establishes a relationship with Jake to provide mental health supports post-release and discusses his parole plan for his adjustment to life outside of prison.
The speaker discusses struggling with anxiety and how they began taking the prescription medication Clonopin to deal with it.
A teenager discusses her experience with transitioning and the impact it had on her mental health, stating that while some teenagers may mistake transitioning as the answer to their emotional problems, it was the right decision for her and made everything easier.
The topic of releasing mentally ill criminals has been a controversial issue as it not only raises concerns over justice for victims and closure for families but it also neglects the mental health needs of those who have experienced traumatic events. This creates a dilemma in the criminal justice system that has yet to be addressed.
This snippet of lyrics highlights the importance of being in a positive or "high" state of mind and suggests that having weapons such as positive beliefs and attitude can help a person stay high.
After struggling with mental health, Ben found solace in scuba diving which became his primary focus. He was fortunate enough to have the financial support of his parents during his recovery period.
Genetic variation can affect cognitive abilities related to music, smell, etc., and understanding the impact of COVID-19 on mental health and implementing social interventions can improve the quality of life for millions of people.
The Ridges was a fully functioning agricultural and dairy farm that was used as a form of mental health rehabilitation for patients. Strange noises have been heard behind the doors, such as a slow metal table being screeched across the floor.
This podcast discusses the stigma around mental health in certain communities and how it affects those who suffer from mental health issues but don't feel comfortable talking about it.
The podcast highlights a 15-year-old boy's experience with being attracted to a girl and how it led him to questionable acts. He sought help from a psychologist but did not follow through with it.
The speaker discusses their struggle with maintaining focus, even to the annoyance of their spouse, and their tendency towards disorganization.
A conversation about the benefits of leaving when it has become overwhelming and the inclusivity behind allowing someone to also benefit from leaving.
The Rosenhan Experiment involved sending pseudo patients into psychiatric facilities with the aim of investigating whether mental health diagnoses made by psychiatrists were reliable. Results showed that even normal behavior was deemed indicative of mental health disorders and it was difficult for patients to convince doctors they were sane.
In this episode, the hosts discuss how some people use mental health as a shield against criticism, and how this can create a complicated situation. They explore a recent incident in the NBA and share personal experiences with mental health struggles and the impact on relationships.
Meditation helps people to see beyond the programming they walk in with. It helps to know and accept oneself better or love oneself more.
The speaker shares his experience with insomnia and how it leads to negative late-night thoughts.
In her TEDx talk, therapist Casey Davis challenges the negative attitude towards daily care tasks such as cleaning, cooking and laundry. She redefines them as acts of self-care and offers a new perspective to improve mental health.
The speaker discusses her experience with mental health and how access to medication has helped her cope with her issues. She also reflects on the stigma attached to medicine for mental health issues.
The experience of postpartum mental health can vary greatly from person to person, and assumptions about how someone is feeling can be harmful. It's important to understand that postpartum depression or anxiety is serious and can be a surreal experience after giving birth via C-section.
A man runs loops around a strange street to reset himself, claiming it is better than virtual school.
The host discusses how watching a guest performing on stage made her question her own well-being and led her to cry for three days while watching dramas on Netflix.
Homeless people with mental illness oftentimes lack access to proper healthcare, causing them to either be incarcerated, ignored, or passed through a revolving door from one agency to the next.
Poor and minority children have less access and lower quality of mental health services than their white and wealthy counterparts, leading to significant disparities in mental health outcomes.
The speaker reflects on how comparison can be a mental roadblock for people. Starting at zero is part of the journey and it's important to be kind to oneself.
The speaker has found coaching high school girls to be very beneficial to their mental health as they are able to spend time doing what they love and being outside regularly.
The speaker dispels the negative stigma attached to therapy and encourages others to seek it out. She describes therapy as a way to have an ongoing notebook with the added benefit of receiving feedback.
Mental health professionals all over the world are recognizing climate change as a growing threat. Climate anxiety is becoming a pandemic, and governments should address the issue rather than politicize it.
The most important aspect of life is managing the little voice inside your head. Controlling your physical actions can help manage the voice.
The episode discusses the tragedy of someone going through severe mental illness and the impact it can have on those around them.